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IoT Gateway

Programmable Monitoring IoT Gateway

Programmable Monitoring IoT Gateway provided by is a multi-purpose monitoring hardware device programmable from your phone or computer over Wi-Fi connection.

The product is in the phase of a working functional prototype.

1. Connect the Gateway to Wi-Fi

Use browser or app to connect to the device Wi-Fi first, then configure the Wi-Fi the IoT Gateway should connect to. Multiple Wi-Fi support.

2. Add Devices, Sensors and Define Metrics

Use pins to connect external devices, whether they are on local network, Bluetooth or hardware pins. The box includes basic built-in environmental sensors.

Use the Gateway Web Configuration to describe measurements, units and frequency of collected data etc.

3. Store the Metrics into Cloud

The Gateway package provides 30day-retention policy. Watch analyzed time-series at the on-device display, your mobile or computer.

4. Set Alerts and Receive Notifications

Define alerts and send notifications to SMS, Slack. There are more than 20 available notification media. Detect anomalies based on AI functions.

Ivan Kudibal
Ivan Kudibal

Ivan is an ex-Systinet guy, seasoned software engineer. Prior to Bonitoo, he played the role of the section level manager and an engineering at HPE Software. Ivan holds a degree in computer science.